President's Letter - February 2016
I hope that everyone had a great holiday season! Ryan Place Improvement Association has been busy planning 2016. and many important events are upcoming for our neighborhood.
First, many of our residents have been involved in the development of Hemphill Street. Hemphill's continued change is important to Ryan Place. RPIA is represented on both the Hemphill Corridor Task Force and the Development Committee of the Hemphill Corridor Task Force. With the Southside's continued development, a prosperous and safe Hemphill will benefit our neighborhood enormously. And it is now the time to get involved in this planning. If you are interested in assisting in this development, please contact a board member or me. Ryan Place should be heavily represented in this great project.
Another major project on Hemphill is the Lamar-Hemphill connector. This extension connects the Southside to Downtown via Hemphill. When I-30 was moved out of downtown, the connector was made part of a long term connectivity plan for Fort Worth. Fort Worth voters approved a bond to fund this project in 2004. and the city held a ground-breaking ceremony last April. However, in the fall, progress on the connector stopped. The Hemphill-Lamar connector will hasten progress in the Southside and on Hemphill, in addition to adding a valuable connection to Downtown. I will provide updates on the status of this connector via the newsletter. However if you are interested in this project, please contact a board member or attend our next meeting for more information.
We also have many new events this year. In February, we will have a meet and greet with new neighbors and new RPIA board members. Please attend if you are available. The date, time and location are below and on our Facebook page. We will also have our General Meeting in March or April, and the Ryan Place BBQ Company is providing the food again. We have special items in store for that meeting, so please keep an eye out for information.
Additionally, we have decided to print the newsletter 10 times this year. In order to do so, we have received commitments from our editors and advertisers. Please support our advertisers by patronizing their businesses.
Finally, we need to recognize our volunteers for our 2015 Christmas Home Tour. There is more information inside on their success, but their work produced a beautiful tour that highlighted our neighborhood. Further, funds generated during the tour support RPIA's activities for 2016. along with a few special projects to enrich our neighborhood. Thank you to every one involved!