Stay Connected

Community involvement is fostered by staying connected with news from the neighborhood and surrounding areas.  RPIA uses email notification and monthly newsletters as the best way to reach everyone. In addition to these channels, we have:

Monthly Newsletter

The Ryan Place Newsletter is published every month except January and July. The newsletter is delivered to every home in Ryan Place, and is also available online in PDF format.  

Want to advertise in the newsletter?


Email NoticeS

Opt-in email notices are managed through a third-party mail service (Constant Contact) and used for the following:

  • General updates,

  • Upcoming events and

  • Neighborhood alerts
    Sign up HERE to receive email alerts

  • NOTE: Our list is never shared or sold and only used to communicate RPIA matters to the neighborhood.

Event Calendar

The RPIA event calendar, within this website and recently updated, will also be a source of information, with not only dates and times, but contact info, addresses and phone numbers where needed.

Neighborhood Directory

Please SIGN UP and be included in the directory - and stay connected! 

NOTE: Access to the directory is restricted to residents of Ryan Place and is available only by request (Use the CONTACT US form).

Like our mail list, the directory is never shared or sold to any entity outside the neighborhood.